A group of industrial experts shaped ENLITE VLSI DESIGN to bring potential increase to the manpower in trendy core electronic domains such as VLSI, Embedded System and DSP by introducing a completely new engineering teaching - learning process methodology
Our ENLITE VLSI DESIGN have all resources and training equipments, encourages the students, faculties, researchers and working professionals to visit us and explore the way how we can help them for the betterment of Engineering and Teaching - Learning process.
ENLITE VLSI DESIGN is well established with computerized lab and corporate trainers, offers various full time and short term courses along with the faculty enrichment program in VLSI, Embedded System and DSP.
Most of the electronics Core MNCs in India support to implement the innovations of the other countries like Europe and US. For a healthy engineering environment there must be more innovations, which is very less in India. We Enlite VLSI Design believe more number of innovations can be brought in India through our mission.
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