Course Duration in Hours
Hewlett Packard is one of the world leader in IT industry, dominating the market with their cutting edge technologies in Hardware, Software and Networking solutions. HP has launched the HP software University , an initiative to provide extended learning options to Students. The curriculum has been designed by group of academicians in USA taking inputs from the current Industry requirements, which gets adapted constantly.Course is 50% theory and 50% practical exercise.
All students are eligible for a Certificate of Completion and those who pass online exam are issued with world renowned HP COC (Certificate of Conformity) that is valued across the world.
Course Content:
1.Introduction to JAVA Technology
2.Object-Oriented-Programming Concepts
3.Introduction to Java EE
5.Introduction to Hibernate
6.Mapping Class
7.Hibernate Query Language (HOL)
8.Criteria query
9.Persistence Lifecycle
10.Optimistic Locking/Versioning
12.Inheritance Mapping
14.JAVA EE Web Application &it’s Working
15.Java Servlet technology
16.Session Management
17.Servlet Listeners
18.Servlet Filter
19. Getting Started with JSP
20. Using JSTL
21. Introduction to Struts2 Framework
22. Struts2 actions
23. Interceptors
24. Data transfer: OGNL and type Conversion 25.Building a View: tags
26. Result in detail
27. UI component tags
28. Validation framework
29. Internationalization
30. Titles and Struts
Basic understanding of JAVA SE
Infiniti Data Technologies, Anna Nagar (Chennai),Chennai,IN