Course Duration in Hours
Introduction (Database Architecture)
• Describe course objectives
• Explore the Oracle 10g database architecture
Installing the Oracle Database Software
• Explain core DBA tasks and tools
• Plan an Oracle installation
• Use optimal flexible architecture
• Install software with the Oracle Universal Installer (OUI)
Creating an Oracle Database
• Create a database with the Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)
• Create a database design template with the DBCA
• Generate database creation scripts with the DBCA
Managing the Oracle Instance
• Start and stop the Oracle database and components
• Use Enterprise Manager (EM)
• Access a database with SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus
• Modify database initialization parameters
• Understand the stages of database startup
• View the Alert log
• Use the Data Dictionary
Managing Database Storage Structures
• Describe table data storage (in blocks)
• Define the purpose of tablespaces and data files
• Understand and utilize Oracle Managed Files (OMF)
• Create and manage tablespaces
• Obtain tablespace information
• Describe the main concepts and functionality of Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
Administering User Security
• Create and manage database user accounts
• Authenticate users
• Assign default storage areas (tablespaces)
• Grant and revoke privileges
• Create and manage roles
• Create and manage profiles
• Implement standard password security features
• Control resource usage by users
Managing Schema Objects
• Define schema objects and data types
• Create and modify tables
• Define constraints
• View the columns and contents of a table
• Create indexes, views and sequences
• Explain the use of temporary tables
• Use the Data Dictionary
• Manage data through SQL
• Monitor and resolve locking conflicts
Managing Undo Data
• Explain DML and undo data generation
• Monitor and administer undo
• Describe the difference between undo and redo data
• Configure undo retention
• Guarantee undo retention
• Use the undo advisor
Implementing Oracle Database Security
• Describe DBA responsibilities for security
• Apply the principal of least privilege
• Enable standard database auditing
• Specify audit options
• Review audit information
• Maintain the audit trail
RJS Technologies - BTM, BTM Ist Stage (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN