Course Duration in Hours
Quick overview of Java concepts
Java Installation
Eclipse IDE installation
Quick overview of Java programming concepts like classes and objects, Constructor, Data types, Conditional Statements(if-else), Loops (While, For), Arrays and ArrayList, Inheritance and Interfaces etc.
Selenium WebDriver (Part I) - Overview, Browser tools, Various Locator Strategies, Inspecting Web elements
Selenium Overview and Architecture
Selenium tools
Selenium IDE limitations
Selenium RCs capabilities in addressing those challenges
Webdriver Overview
Documentation of Webdriver
Downloading Selenium Webdriver
Creating Webdriver projects
Overview of WebDriver interface and its methods
Overview of FirefoxDriver, IExplorerDriver and ChromeDriver class
Opening a browser window in Firefox
Common issues while opening urls in different browsers and their resloution
Setting the System property and opening a browser window in Internet Explorer
Setting the System property and opening a browser window in Chrome
Navigating to Urls - Get and Navigate methods
Viewing the page source of a web page
Inspect elements
Browser tools overview
Inspecting elements in Firefox, FireBug installation and usage
Inspecting elements using Chrome Developer tools in Chrome
Copy XPath and CSS features in browser tools
Installation of IE developer tools and inspect elements using IE developer tools
FindElement method overview
Various Locator Strategies
By Id
By Name
By class
By Link
By XPath
By tag
findElement using all locator strategies
Best practices in selecting Locator Strategies
XPath Overview, Understanding Absolute and relative XPaths
XPath absolute path issues
Guidelines on creating XPaths using different properties of elements
Firepath overview and usage
CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) overview and usage
Guidelines on creating CSSs using different properties of elements
findElements overview and examples
Selenium WebDriver and JUNIT
Importance of JUNIT in WebDriver
JUNIT Overview
Downloading JUnit jar file, adding to build path
Creating and Running WebDriver JUnit tests
Annotations in JUnit @Before, @After and @Test tags, automation best practices in JUnit framework
JUnit Assertions
Implementing various assertions in projects like assertTrue, assertFalse, assertEquals and assertNotEquals
Lab Exercises
Lab exercises on creating JUnit tests in WebDriver
Selenium Web driver programming (Part II) Handling various mouse and Keyboard events, screenshots, automating drop downs, radio buttons and checkboxes
Using Advanced User Actions API for mouse and
keyboard events
Understanding Actions class, Performing double
click event using Actions class
Other Action events
Creating screenshots in WebDriver
Executing JavaScript Code in WebDriver
Maximizing Browser window in WebDriver
Automating Dropdowns
Automating Radio buttons
Automating list boxes, reading the options from
the list boxes
Automating checkboxes
Dealing with Group of checkboxes
Lab Exercises
Lab work using various real time websites
Selenium Web driver programming (Part III) - Handling Pop Ups, Alerts and Waits in WebDriver
Wait and pop ups in automation
Different types of Wait in Selenium and implementation
Thread Sleep, ImplicitWait and Explicit Wait
TimeOut Overview and implementation
Handling Pop ups
Dealing with multiple browser windows
Handling Alerts
Understanding Alert Class and methods, examples
Handling Confirm boxes
Handling Prompt boxes
Lab Exercises
Lab work using various real time websites
Selenium Web driver programming (Part III) - Handling Pop Ups, Alerts and Waits in WebDriver
Learn how to perform double click on a control
Learn how to perform drag and drop on a control
Learn how to create screenshots with Web driver
Learn how to execute Java script code
Learn how to maximize the browser window
Learn how to automate drop downs and lists
Learn how to check options in drop downs and lists
Learn how to check selected options in dropdowns and lists
Learn how to automate radio buttons and radio groups
Learn how to automate checkboxes
Floris Technologies, Marathahalli (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN