Course Duration in Hours
QTP Course Content
Overview of Quick Test Professional (QTP)
Preparing to Record
Understand functional testing
Identify the application under test and its environment
Understand the QuickTest Professional user interface
Prepare the test environment to utilize QuickTest Professional effectively.
Creating a Basic Test
Create a basic test from a manual test case.
Run a test and check for errors.
Save a test
View test results
Working with Objects
Describe objects
Describe a QuickTest Professional object
Recognize objects in QuickTest Professional
Use Object Repository to manage objects in QuickTest Professional
Using Synchronization:-
Describe synchronization in QuickTest Professional
Describe the uses of synchronization in QuickTest Professional
Add a synchronization step for a specified object
Using Standard Checkpoints
Define checkpoints
Use standard checkpoints
Add flexibility to a constant value using a regular expression
Using Parameters and Data-Driven Tests:-
Describe and use parameter types
Insert an input parameter
Insert an output parameter
Parameterize a checkpoint
Evaluate results for iterative tests
Using Multiple and Reusable Actions:-
Using Multiple and Reusable Actions
Define an action as reusable
Call a reusable action into a main test
Drive data using local and global data sheets
Adding Steps without Recording
List the types of steps that can be added to a test without using the Record feature
Use conditional statements in a test.
Use the Reporter feature to report events as a step in the test.
Use Step Generator.
Creating Tests on a Web Application
Record and run a test on a Web application.
Using Custom Checkpoints
Create a parameterized checkpoint
Compare captured parameter values with expected values
Use debug tools to investigate and cause failures
Verify that the reported error message reflects the state of the test
Using Database Checkpoints:-
Identify the purpose of a database checkpoint
Create a Structured Query Language (SQL) statement
Parameterize a database query.
Create an SQL query using Microsoft Query
Create an SQL query using Microsoft Query
Manage shared object repositories by using Object Repository.
Anyone who is interested in making carrier as Software tester can join this course. Basic eligibility criteria B.TECH/ BE, MCA, BCA, people working as Manual tester.
MITS (Making IT Simplest), Marathahalli (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN