Course Duration in Hours
Introduction : 3ds Max® Design software is a
comprehensive 3D design, modeling, animation, and
rendering solution for architects, designers, civil
engineers, and visualization specialists. Evaluate and
sell designs before they are built, with rapid iterations,
accurate daylight analysis, and high-impact visuals
and animations.
Course Contents:
Standard Primitives:
Introduction to 3D Max
Uses in various Engineering sectors
Four ports and configuration
Animation option-Time line & time slider
Unit setup
Extended Primitives
Application of tools in main toolbar
Link, Unlink, Selection tools, Operating tools, Mirror & Snaps
Navigation panel, Media panel, Grid and snap setup
Selection sets, Align, Layers, Render
Material editor
Create, Modify, Hierarchy, Object Categories
Tools-Array, Mirror
Group menu, P Q R Axis, Family parameters
Basic Models
Parameter modifiers
Limit effects with Gizmo center
Creating a 3D objects by using AEC extended objects
2D & 3D Boolean
Creating 2D sketches by using spline, line etc
Creating 3D objects by using commands like extrude, lathe, loft Boolean
Advanced Modeling
Creating some architectural objects like sunshade, Block
Front projections arcs by using parametric modifiers
Creating 3D objects like door, windows, wall, railing, stairs etc
Foliage & site impartment
compound objects
Advanced Rendering
Standard lightning, Advanced lightning by using light parameters tools
Basic texturing of 3D models by using texturing tool
Creating particles, environmental effects in 3D models
Animating camera, path camera by motion panel tools
Animating the position, rotation & path of the camera
Frame to frame animation, Parametric animation
Object animation, Walk through, creating video files
Interior Designer / Architecture / Civil Engineer