
Our custom-built Centers of Training Excellence impart training based on a revolutionary new methodology of decoding desired attributes/professionalism. Foundational Level: provides a holistic development that empowers individuals and propels them towards self-excellence. At the Next Level we build basic skills for specific industry verticals, be it ITES (BPO) Industry, Finance & Accounting, Banking, Insurance, Manufacturing, Airlines, Healthcare etc. And, at the Third Level , we take it a step further and provide specialization in any specific area of operation. A strong partnership with our clients ensures that we give quality results that are repetitive and scalable.

The company offers Training & Placement services for different individuals at various levels in line with industry specific requirements. With expertise in diverse areas, SynchroServe is an organization that provides quality solutions in instruction, assessment and real time performance support for diverse industries like BPOs, Retail, Airline & Hospitality, Financial Services and Insurance, with an objective to develop individuals for self directed growth and long term career options.

Our delivery process involves Five Major Steps - 1. Sourcing of candidates, 2. Assessing, 3. Training, 4. Certification, 5. Placement. Assessments are done at regular intervals during the training and individual specific inputs are provided in order to improve their employable skills. A robust and rigorous Training & Performance Review mechanism accelerates learning paths and develops excellence in individuals, thus making them a right-fit for the industry. We understand the industry and our customers requirement and aim at providing services and solutions that meet and exceed customer expectations, enabling them to focus on their core operations.

We aim at building a continuous and steady chain for industries by supplying a ready resource pool just in time. To take it a step further, we enhance an individuals employability through training programmes to Train-the -Trainer and for Middle / Senior Management Levels. Making their climb up the ladder of success a more fulfilling one. With a strong focus on research and innovation, SynchroServe is committed towards accelerating learning paths and developing excellence in individuals.

Students Trained


NTR Trust Bhavan Road No 2 Banjara Hills, Opp: KBR Park, NTR Blood Bank
Banjara Hills (Hyderabad) - 500034
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Year Founded


Google Map
  • SynchroServe Skill Development Centre, Banjara Hills (Hyderabad),Hyderabad,IN

Closed today
  • Monday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Tuesday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Wednesday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Thursday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Friday

    9:00 am - 6:00 pm

  • Saturday

    9:00 am - 4:00 pm

  • Sunday


  • March 9, 2025 9:08 pm local time

Placement Percentage


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