Course Duration in Hours
Introduction Introduction & Overview of MM
IMG-GS Implementation guide-Global Settings
Structures Creation of Organization Structures
Creation of company
Creation of company code
Creation of controlling area
Creation of Plant
Creation of storage location
Creation of Purchasing Org
Master Data Material Master
Create number ranges
Assign no ranges to material type
Master Data Vendor Master
Create vendor account gp
Create number ranges
Assign number range to account gp
Purchasing Purchasing Documents
Purchase Request
Create document type
Create number range
Assign no ranges to document type
Create Document type
Create number range
Assign no ranges to document type
Maintain RFQ
Price Comparison
Purchase Orders
Create document type
Create number range
Assign no ranges to document type
Create P.O w.r.t PR
Create P.O w.r.t R.F.Q
Automatic P.O in MM
Scheduling agreement
Create Document type
Create number range
Assign no ranges to document type
Source list
Print Preview of P.O, R.F.Q
Purchasing for
Services Order Service Master
Service Condition
Service Order
Service Maintain
Service Invoice
Pricing Procedure Define condition type
Calculation schema
Schema gp vendor
Scheme gp pur org
Price determination
Inventory Management Inventory Management
Goods Receipts against P.O & without P.O
Goods Issue
Stock Transfer
Invoice Verification
Automatic a/c Determination
Automatic Account Determination
Reports/ABAP Work General understanding of Reports/ABAP Work
Vendor Evaluation Vendor Evaluation
Any graduate from Mechanical background or experience in procurement etc.