Course Duration in Hours
Business Intelligence (BI) & Data Warehouse (DW)
a) Data Warehouse Architecture
b) DW Development Methodologies
c) DW Definition
d) What is BI?
e) Definitions of BI
f) Why BI?
g) Who needs BI?
h) DW Features
i) DW vs. OLTP DB
j) Data Mart, Staging DB, Operational Data Stores (ODS)
k) Top Down (Immon) Vs Bottom Up (Kimball)
Data Modeling (ER + Dimensional)
a) What is data Model?
b) E-R Modeling
c) Dimensional Modeling
d) Dimension table
e) Fact Table
f) Types Measures or Facts or Metrics
g) What is Schema?
h) Confirmed Dimension
i) Junk Dimension
j) Degenerated Dimension
k) Types of Fact Tables
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) Process
a) What is ETL process?
b) Functions of ETL process
c) Transformations Flow
d) Why Informatica for ETL process?
Informatica PowerCenter 9.5
1) Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter
2) Informatica PowerCenter Architecture
3) Informatica PowerCenter Tools (Repository Manager, Designer, Workflow Manager, Workflow Monitor)
4) Informatica Server Administration Console
5) Informatica Integration Service, Informatica Repository Service, Folders, Groups, Users and Roles
PowerCenter Project Implementation
Informatica PowerCenter Designer
a) How to Create Straight Load mapping (One To One Mapping)
b) Concatenating FIRST_NAME and LAST_NAME using the Expression Transformation
c) How to filter the data from Flat File using Filter Transformation and Expression
1) Fixed width Flat Files
2) Delimited Flat Files
d) Different Row level Functions
e) Populating the Source File Name into the Target Table
f) How to Divide the data into multiple target tables using the Router Transformation
1) Filter Vs Router
g) How to generate the Target File Name with Time stamp using Expression Transformation
h) How to write the data to Target file
1) How to generate the Header in Flat file
2) How to generate the Footer in Flat file
i) Joiner , Sorter and Aggregation Transformation using Flat File and Relation table
j) Heterogeneous Joins
k) Homogeneous Joins
l) Incremental Aggregation
m) Usage of Lookup Transformation
1) Different Types caches
2) Static Vs Dynamic Vs Persistent
3) Usage of Unconnected Lookup Transformation
4) Difference between Connected and Unconnected Lookup
n) Update Strategy Transformation
1) Insert, Update , Delete and Reject at mapping Level
2) Update Else Insert at Session Level
o) Converting Columns into Rows by using Normalize Transformation
1) Processing Multiple Flat Files into Target using Indirect Method
2) Direct Vs Indirect Method
3) Creating the List File
p) Converting Rows into Columns using Expression and Aggregation Transformation
q) Finding TOP and BOTTOM ranked products by revenue using UNION and RANK Transformation
r) Generating Sequence Numbers without using sequence generator Transformation
s) Reusable Transformations using Transformation Developer
t) Populating the Source First Record into First Target, Second Record into Second Target and Third into Third target Using Sequence Generator Transformation and With Expression (MOD Function) and Router Transformation
u) Understanding Slowly Changing Dimensions
v) Implementing Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1
w) Implementing Slowly Changing Dimension Type 2
x) Implementing Slowly Changing Dimension Type 1 Using Dynamic Lookup Cache
y) Incremental load using Parameter File FACT Load
z) Historical Load
aa) Defining mapping Parameters
bb) Different ways of Creating the Parameter File
cc) Incremental load Using Mapping variables FACT Load
dd) Splitting the target file dynamically based on the Content using Transaction Control Transformation
1) Source and Target Based Commit Interval
2) User Defined Commit Interval
ee) Invoking the Stored Procedure Transformation from Informatica PowerCenter
1) Connected Vs Unconnected Stored Procedure
2) Drop indexes using Stored Procedure
3) Create Indexes using Stored Procedure
ff) Reading the data from XML File Using XML Source Qualifier Transformation
gg) Populating Unique Records into one Target and Duplicates into another Target
hh) Eliminating Duplicate Records from Flat File
ii) Updating the Target Table which does not have Primary Key
jj) How to Skip the Header and Footer Record in Source Files
Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager
a) Sessions
b) Sequential/ Parallel Workflow
c) Event Wait and Event Raise task
d) Email task
1) Session failure
2) Session Success
3) Workflow Failure
4) Workflow Success
5) Attaching file to email
6) Notifying support team with Success Rows, Rejected Rows, Failed Rows
e) Assignment task, Decision task, Control Task, Timer Task
f) Defining Workflow/Worklet Variables
g) Worklets
h) Command task
i) Scheduling Workflows
No eligibility as such.
Professional Trainings, Dumdum (Kolkata),Kolkata,IN