Course Duration in Hours
Syllabus of Java Language
Unit 1: Introduction to Java programming
The Java Virtual Machine
Variables and data types
Conditional and looping constructs
Unit 2: Object-oriented programming with Java Classes and Objects
Fields and Methods
Overloading methods
Garbage collection
Nested classes
Unit 3: Inheritance
Overriding methods
Making methods and classes final
Abstract classes and methods
Unit 4: Exception handling with try-throw-catch-finally constructs
The Exception class
Unit 5: The Object class
Cloning objects
The JDK LinkedList class
String conversions
Unit 6: Working with types: Wrapper classes
Enumeration interface
Unit 7: Packages
Package access
Documentation comments
Unit 8: Applets
Configuring applets
Applet capabilities and restrictions
Unit 9: Basics of AWT and Swing
Layout Managers
Event Handling
The Action Listener interface
Classes for various controls, such as label, choice, list, Checkbox, etc.
Dialogs and frames
Using menus
Using the adapter classes
Unit 10: Threads
Unit 11: The I/O Package
InputStream and OutputStream classes
Reader and Writer classes
Unit 12: Basic concepts of networking
Working with URLs
Concepts of URLs
Unit 13: Database connectivity with JDBC
Java Security
Certification and Eligibility
Java is a high-level programming language. There is no Eligibility for the Java language Course. Any Student or a graduate student can get the certification in Java Programming and can join the coaching institutes for Java language Course.
ICIT Computer Institute, Goregaon West (Mumbai),Mumbai,IN