Course Duration in Hours
1. What is spread sheet.
2. What is in Excel 2010 / 2013
3. Uses of Excel
4. Advantages of Excel
5. How to protect a sheet
6. How to give password protection for workbook
7. Format the cells.
8. Excel Formulas
9. Custom Fill Handle
10. How to merge Cells
11. Insert a New sheet
12. Rename a Sheet
13. Functions / Formulas
14. Auto sum function
15. SUM( ) function
16. Countif( ) function
17. Difference Between Sum() and Auto sum
18. Max() Function
19. Min() Function
20. Average() Function.
21. Sqrt() functions
22. Abs() functions
23. Mod() functions
24. Count() Function
25. Now() Functions
26. Today() Functions
27. If() Function
28. And()
29. Not()
30. Or()
31. Len()
32. Lower()
33. Proper()
34. Trim()
35. Upper()
37. LEFT()
38. MID()
39. Right()
40. Find()
41. Sorting
42. What is new in sorting in excel
43. Custom Filter
44. Auto Filter
45. Advance Filtering
46. Conditional formatting
47. Goal Seek
48. What is a Chart
49. Chart Types
50. Pie Chart
51. Bar Chart
52. Line Chart
53. Column Chart
54. Formatting Charts
55. Comment Lines
56. Data Validation
57. Vlookup() Function
58. Hlookup function
59. Introduction to Pivot tables
60. Comments in Cell
61. Printing sheets in Excel.
62. Assignments for Practise.
Any one with basic knowledge of computers.
SBTIT Technologies, Indira Nagar (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN