Course Duration in Hours
Software Developer
M.Babu Krishna Trainer (21+ Years Experienced)
Module1: Linux Basics Duration:10 Hours
Introduction to Unix/Linux
Unix and its history
Introduction to Linux
Login session
Working with the Unix file system (Linux Directories)
Linux Basic Commands (ls, pwd, touch, mkdir, rmdir, cp, mv, cat, rm)
Handling files and directories (with met characters). Working with vi (visual editor)
Linux documentation
File utilities
Standard I/O,
redirection and pipes
Changing file access rights (users and permissions)
Soft links and hard links
Checking file integrity. Linux Utilities
Disk utilities
Process utilities
Text processing utilities Miscellaneous commands
Compressing and archiving (backup and restore) utilities
User management
Time management and shutdown.
Module 2: C Language under Linux (Ubuntu) Duration:50 Hours
Programming Language overview and Storage classes (viz., auto, register, static and extern) - Scope and Life Time, Recursion, Enum
Operations on Bits (Bit Set, Reset, Toggle and Checking Status)
Basic operations on Array
Two dimensional arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays
Passing arrays as functional arguments
Why do we need pointers?
What are pointers?
Using pointers
Dereferencing pointer variables
NULL pointers, Void pointers
Call by value and Call by reference Pointer arithmetic
Precedence of dereferencing and increment/decrement operators
Pointer to pointer
Array of pointers
Pointer to an Array
Function pointers
Array of function pointers
Passing Pointers to functions
Return array/pointer from Structures and Unions
Defining a structure
Accessing structure members
Structure padding.
Array of structures
Arrays within structures
Nested structures
Pointer to structure,
Pointer within structure
Structures and functions
Defining a union
Accessing union members
Bit fields
File I/O
What is File I/O?
Types of file handling - Low Level and High Level
Types of files
File operations (Opening files, Closing a file, Writing and Reading files)
File I/O types (Character I/O, String I/O, formatted I/O and block I/O) Traversing within the file
Error handling.
Header files
Macro Substitution
Nested Macros
Types of Languages
IDE Environment (Editor, Compiler,
Execution, Debugger)
compilation steps (Compilation process
tool chain (Preprocessor, Compiler,
Assembler and Linker)
Debugging with GDB (GNU Debugger)
Sample C Programs
Basic Syntax, Basic Elements (Character
set, Tokens, Semicolons, comments,
whitespaces, Keywords, Identifiers)
input and output,
Constants (Numeric, Character and
Variables, Expression and Statement
Data types (char, int, float and double)
Sign and Size Qualifiers
Numeric conversions (Binary, Octal,
Decimal and Hexa Decimal)
Arithmetic operators
Assignment operators
Relational operators
Logical or boolean,
Conditional, Comma, size of () operators
Bitwise and Implicit/Explicit Operators
Operators Precedence and associativity.
Defining a function
Function declarations
Calling a function
Function arguments along with input and output types
Returning from function function
Passing pointers as parameters
Command line arguments
Memory Management
Dynamic memory allocation
Resizing and releasing memory. Issues with Macros
Parameterized Macros
Macros vs functions
Overloading functions in C way
String zing and token pasting operators
Conditional compilation
Debugging purposes
Predefined macros.
Module3: Data Structures Duration:20 Hours
Introduction to Data Structures
Why data structures?
Efficient memory utilization and faster access
Searching Techniques (Linear and Binary Search)
Sorting Techniques (Bubble Sort)
Stacks and Queues
Stacks using Arrays
Queues using Arrays, Circular Queue Stacks using Linked Lists
Queues using Linked Lists
Infix to postfix conversion of expression
Solving Arithmetic expression using stacks.
Linked Lists
Operations on Linked Lists
Creation, insertion, deletion, search, display count number of nodes reversing list etc
Single Linked List
Doubly Linked List
Circular Linked List
Introduction to trees
Tree traversals (In-Order, Pre- order and Post-Order)
Binary Search Tree (Creation, Display and Deletion).
ANY Graduate
EROTECH SOLUTIONS, K P H B (Hyderabad),Hyderabad,IN