Course Duration in Hours
DWH: Data Ware Housing Concepts
What is Data Warehouse? Need of Data Warehouse
Introduction to OLTP, ETL and OLAP Systems and its difference.
Data Warehouse Architecture
Data Marts
ODS [Operational Data Store]
Dimensional Modelling ? Difference between relation and dimensional modelling
Star Schema and Snowflake Schema
What is fact table ?What is Dimension table?
Normalization and De-Normalization
ETL Testing
ETL architecture.
What is ETL and importance of ETL testing
How DWH ETL Testing is different from the Application Testing
SDLC/STLC in the ETL Projects (ex: V Model, Water fall model)
Challenges in DWH ETL Testing compare to other testing
Incompatible and duplicate data.
Loss of data during ETL process.
Testers have no privileges to execute ETL jobs by their own.
Volume and complexity of data is very huge.
Fault in business process and procedures.
Trouble acquiring and building test data.
ETL Testing Work flow activities involved
Analyze and interpret business requirements/ workflows to Create
ROGERSOFT, Kakkanad (Kochi),Kochi,IN