Course Duration in Hours
PHP syllabus - (contact for Date)
PHP Course Syllabus Introduction to web technology
Web application
Web server
Client and Server
Scripting languages Arrays
Array syntax
Array Index
Array push and pull
Associative arrays
Loop through arrays
Multidimensional Arrays
Array functions
Array Sorting without using pre-defined functions OOPS
Classes and objects
Constructor & Destructor
Static methods and properties
Methods overloading
Abstracts class & Interface HTML 5
Introduction & History
Basic tags and attributes
HTML5 New Elements
HTML5 Input Types
HTML5 Form Elements
HTML5 Form Attributes
HTML5 Audio CSS 3
CSS Properties, Selectors, Style Declaration Types
Colors, Backgrounds, Text and Fonts
Images, Links, Tables and List ? Borders, Padding, Margin
Cursor, Dimension, Scrollbars, Visibility and Positioning JavaScript
Introduction to JavaScript
Data type conversion
Conditional statements and Loops
Form manipulation
Validation PHP Understanding the Preliminaries
Introduction to web & internet
Introduction to server
Understanding localhost server
Starting PHP
PHP syntax and variables
Operators and Expressions
Conditional Branching and Looping Statements
Learning Arrays in PHP PHP - The Core Logics and Techniques
String and Math functions in PHP
Introduction HTML Form Elements and Fields
Accessing PHP, HTTP Data
Query Strings and Hyperlinks
Describing Pre-Defined Variables - Super Global Arrays
Understanding Functions, Important PHP Functions
What are the Scope of variables
PHP MySQL Connectivity
Integrating Web Forms and Database
Using PHPs MySQL Extension Learn More Advanced Techniques in PHP
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
Classes and Objects
Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism
Constructors and Destructors
Overloading, Overriding of functions
Exception Handling
Regular Expressions
Session Handling
Using Cookies MySQL
MySQL datatypes
Aggregate functions
Sub query and join
Database Programming
Mysql functions
File uploading and downloading. AJAX
PHP AJAX example
AJAX Database programming jQuery
jQuery Syntax
jQuery Selectors
jQuery Events
jQuery Hide/Show
JSON Bootstrap
Introduction to Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grid System
Creating Layouts with Bootstrap
Bootstrap CSS - Understanding the CSS
Responsive Web design with Bootstrap
Single Page Responsive site with Bootstrap
Bootstrap Layout Components
Bootstrap Plug-ins
Building Websites with Bootstrap CodeIgniter Framework
Introduction to PHP Frameworks
Working with CodeIgniter Framework
MVC architecture in CodeIgniter
Controllers,Views and Models
Helpers and Libraries
FetchingData using Input Class Webservice
ROGERSOFT, Kakkanad (Kochi),Kochi,IN