Xtal Labz Private Limited offers Embedded system/ Robotics/PCB Designing Courses and Academic Projects for job seeking professional students at Cochin.
We are presenting a new era of on-hand embedded system training as well as robotics training along with the academic projects. We provide Applicative Electronics and Embedded System Design Training to hobbyists and candidates who wish to pursue a career in embedded system designing or Robotics. Program starts with the familiarisation of electronic components, PCB designing and ends with a complicated embedded project. During the training, you will goes through different topics like PCB designing using CAD, PCB assembling, Proteus and, Microcontrollers and its programming using embedded C, IDEs & compilers (, PIC, AVR, ARM, Arduino, PICAXE).
Each student registered for academic projects or embedded courses will get an Embedded system Development kit with Programmer from Xtal Labz Private Limited.
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