Course Duration in Hours
Complete Software Automation Testing covering Functional Testing, GUI Testing, Database Testing, Performance Testing, Continuous Integration Testing, API Testing using Selenium Webdriver with Java and Integrating Test cases with Appium, JMeter, Jenkins. Designing Testing Frameworks using TestNG and Maven.
Under Flagship of Pradhanmantri Kaushal Vikas Yoyna (PMKYV) to make Aatm Nirbhar Bharat by providing Job Skills We have launched Basic to Advance Level Complete Software Automation Testing course designed by Experienced Software Test Engineers for Candidates who want to make career in Software Testing. Training is 100% Practical Project based in which we start from basic Elementary and gradually move to Advance level so that even layman with zero programming background will be able to write Expert Test Cases. All our Trainers are B. Tech / MCA with 5+ years of expert knowledge.
What you will Learn :
Automation Software Testing
Introduction To Software Testing
What is Software Testing.
Different types of Software Testing.
Advantages of Automation Testing.
What to Automate in projects.
When to start Automation.
Scope for Automation testing in projects.
Introduction to Selenium
What is selenium.
History of selenium.
Advantage of selenium.
Difference between selenium and QTP.
Selenium components
Selenium IDE (Depricated)
Selenium RC (Depricated)
Selenium Web Driver.
Selenium Grid.
Java Concepts
Introduction to Java.
OOPs Concepts in java program.
Variable, Data types in java.
Keywords static, final, abstract.
Array in java.
Inheritance, Overloading & Overriding.
Interface, Package in java.
Exception Handeling.
Selenium IDE (Depricated)
Introduction to IDE.
IDE Practical Example.
Disadvantages of selenium IDE.
How to convert selenium IDE Scripts into other languages.
Selenium RC (Depricated)
What is Selenium RC.
Disadvantages of RC.
Selenium RC configure with Eclipse.
Selenium RC Commands.
Selenium Web Driver
Introduction to Web Driver.
Different between RC and Web Driver.
Absolute & Relative XPath.
Explicit & Implicit Wait.
Selenium WD-validate commands.
Move in Between Tabs, iFrame & Alert.
Handleing Multiple Elements.
Mouse, Keybord Events.
Multi Device GUI CSS Testing.
File Upload Testing.
Video Testing.
Working with Excel.
Pass the data from Excel.
Export reports into Excel.
Log4j and Java Mail Api with Web Driver.
JUnit Annotations.
Running JUnit Application with ANT Commands.
TestNG Maven
What is TestNG.
Adding TestNG on Eclipse.
TestNG Annotations.
TestNG @Dataprovider from Excel POI.
TestNG Test Suite.
Integrate Maven , Selenium WD & TestNG.
Extent Reporting Results and Analysis.
Run Scripts from multiple programs.
Testing Frameworks
Introduction to Framework.
Use of Framework, why Framework.
Types of Framework.
Designing Keyword Driven Model.
Designing Data Driven Model.
Designing Hybrid Test Model.
Writting Network Test cases using Selenium Grid.
Mobile Testing
APPIUM integration with Selenium.
Configuring Jenkins.
Creating Repository on GitHub.
Build Job from Github and Windows Batch Command.
Jenkins integration with MAVEN.
Data driven Test Case in JMeter.
SMTP,FTP,JDBC Performance Test.
Controls in JMeter.
JMeter Build integrating Selenium Plugin.
API Testing
Additional Concepts
Latest FAQ & Agends.
Resume preparation.
Mock interviews.
Job Assistence.
Knowledge of Manual Testing
RM Infotech Pvt Ltd, Laxmi Nagar (Delhi),Delhi,IN