Course Duration in Hours
Complete Course will be delivered according to your need and convenience
Microsoft Excel - Advanced
This course provides users with the knowledge to use the more complex features of Excel. It is designed
to give an insight into some of the more advanced features in Excel and will be of particular interest to
those who want to build or work with financial models, carry out detailed data analysis and automate
tasks by recording macros.
What-if Analysis
Using the Scenario Manager
Creating and editing scenarios
Creating a Scenario Report
Using Goal Seek
Using the Solver
Data Tables
The single-variable data table
The two-variable data table
Adding conditional formatting
Working with Outlines
Applying an outline
Automatic outlining
Displaying and collapsing levels
Modifying outline settings
Creating subtotals
Analysing Data with Pivot Tables
Creating a pivot table
Defining the source range
Inserting. moving and deleting fields
Showing and hiding fields
Grouping and ungrouping fields
Renaming fields
Defining field properties
Formatting a pivot table
Refreshing a pivot table
Drilling down
Excel Macros
About macros and VBA
Macro security
Recording macros
Running a Macro
Absolute and relative references
Saving and distributing macros
Assigning a macro to a button
Editing macro code
Automatic macros
Any One / Student or Employee
INFINIZY, Madhapur (Hyderabad),Hyderabad,IN