Course Duration in Hours
What is DBMS, RDBMS?
Types of RDBMS?
Retrieving Data using the SQL SELECT Statement
Capabilities of the SELECT statement
Arithmetic expressions and NULL values in the SELECT statement
Column aliases
Use of concatenation operator, literal character strings, alternative quote operator, and the DISTINCT keyword
Use of the DESCRIBE command
Restricting and Sorting Data
Limiting the Rows
Rules of precedence for operators in an expression
Using Single-Row Functions to Customize Output
Describe the differences between single row and multiple row functions
Manipulate strings with character function in the SELECT and WHERE clauses
Manipulate numbers with the ROUND, TRUNC and MOD functions
Perform arithmetic with date data
Manipulate dates with the date functions
Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions
Describe implicit and explicit data type conversion
Use the TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions
Nest multiple functions
Apply the NVL, NULLIF, and COALESCE functions to data
Use conditional IF THEN ELSE logic in a SELECT statement
Reporting Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions
Group Functions
Creating Groups of Data
Restricting Group Results
Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins
Introduction to JOINS
Types of Joins
Using Sub queries to Solve Queries
Introduction to Subqueries
Single Row Subqueries
Multiple Row Subqueries
Using the SET Operators
Set Operators
UNION and UNION ALL operator
INTERSECT operator
MINUS operator
Matching the SELECT statements
Using ORDER BY clause in set operations
Managing Tables using DML statements
Data Manipulation Language
Database Transactions
Introduction to Data Definition Language
Data Definition Language
Introduction to Data Dictionary Views
Introduction to Data Dictionary
Describe the Data Dictionary Structure
Using the Data Dictionary Views
Querying the Data Dictionary Views
Creating Sequences, Synonyms, Indexes
Overview of sequences
Overview of synonyms
Overview of indexes
Creating Views
Overview of views
Retrieving Data by Using Sub queries
Retrieving Data by Using a Subquery as Source
Working with Multiple-Column subqueries
Using Scalar subqueries in SQL
Correlated Subqueries
Working with the WITH clause
Analytical Functions
What is Datawarehouse?
What is Business Intelligence?
Online Transaction Processing System (OLTP)
OLTP Vs Datawarehouse (OLAP)
Architecture of Datawarehouse
Data mart
Top Down (Immon) Vs Bottom Up (Kimball)
What is data Model?
E-R Modeling
Dimensional Modeling
Dimension table
Fact Table
SCD Type 1
SCD Type 2
SCD Type 3
Types Measures or Facts or Metrics
What is Schema?
STAR Schema
Confirmed Dimension
Junk Dimension
Degenerated Dimension
Types of Fact Tables
Fact less fact
ETL Testing
What is ETL Testing?
Responsibilities of a ETL Tester
ETL Testing Methodologies
Smoke Testing
Functional Testing
System Testing
Regression Testing
Performance Testing
ETL Testing Work Flow Process
How to Prepare the ETL Test Plan
How to design the Test cases in ETL Testing.
How to reporting the Bugs in ETL Testing?
ETL Testing Responsibilities
How to detect the bugs through database queries
ETL Testing with Informatica PowerCenter
SAMPLE Loading from source to target
Testing Heterogeneous Sources
SORTER Transformation
FILTER Transformation
ROUTER Transformation
EXPRESSION Transformation
JOINER Transformation
UNION Transformation
AGGREAGATOR Transformation
RANK Transformation
Flat File
Look up Transformation
SCD type 1
SCD Type 2
SCD Type 3
Update Strategy
XML Source Qualifier
Types of load (Full, incremental, Refresh)
BI Testing with OBIEE:
Preparing BI Test cases
Data validation with OBIEE
UI Testing with OBIEE
Software Testing Life Cycle
Software Development Life Cycle
Manual Testing Experience is a Plus
Usage of HP quality Center
Defect Life Cycle
TEK Classes, Marathahalli (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN