Course Duration in Hours
Hibernate features
Hibernate configuration and mapping files(config, hbm)
SessionFactory and Configuration objects
Configure first Hibernate application
Perform CURD operations using Hibernate Session
Hibernate Instance states(Transient, Persistence and Detached)
Hibernate Query Language(HQL)
Hibernate Criterial API
Simple Native Queries
Named queries, parameterized queries and named parameters
Hibernate Transaction Management
Different Relations in hibernate 1:1, 1:M, M:M
Object loading approaches- lazy and eager
1. Advantages of Hibernate compared to JDBC
2. Introduction.
3. ORM (Object Relational Mapping)
4. Configuration xml file and Mapping xml file along with dtds.
5. Hibernate architecture
6. Installation and Directory Structure
7. Hibernate Data Types.
8. First Application using Hibernate.
9. Hibernate API
10. CRUD operations
11. Primary key Generators
12. Hibernate Query Language (HQL)
13. Native SQL
1 Relatin
Engineering Graduates BSc - IT Graduates, MCA Graduates, PGDBA / MBA Graduates (Information Technology Specialisation)
Professionals wanting to make a career in big data learning and using the Hadoop Framework
Technical Project Managers having 8+ years of experience in the Industry
Data Scientists / Business Analytics / Product Management professionals who want to learn the fundamental Hadoop concepts to enhance their career profile
Vidya Systems, Mathikere (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN