Course Duration in Hours
Python, IPython, Advanced Python, Virtual Enviroments, Object Oriented Principles and Design, Design Patterns, Architecture principles, SOLID principles, Python libraries, PythonUnit, Test Driven Programming, Behavioural Driven Programming, Numerical Analysis - Numpy, Data Analytics - Pandas, Machine Learning - Sklearn, Scientific computing - Scipy, Image processing - Skimage, Computer Vision - mahotas and OpenCV, Neural Networks Keras and Tensorflow, Use Cases: Face Detection, Optical Character Recognition, Chatbots, Spam Detection, Sentimental Analysis, Human Action Detection, Natural Language Processing, Hand written letter recognition, Linear and Multi-Linear Regression, Classification - Decision Tree, Random Forest, Naive-Bayes, Clustering - KNN, K-Mean, DbScan, Association Rules - Apriori, Deep Learning, Backpropagation, Stochasitc Gradient Descent, Advanced Neural Networks - CNN, RNN, LSTM, AWS Cloud hosting and deployment, Micro-Services, Serverless Lambda, Docker, Kubernetes, Linux Shell Scripts, Git
Any Degree, with familiar to use Computer
ExpertZlab Technologies, Palarivattom (Kochi),Kochi,IN