Course Duration in Hours
Introduction to Java
History of Java
Features of Java
Overview of Java
OOP’s Concept
Data types and Variables
Control Structures
Strings, Arrays
Objects and Classes
Object, Classes and Methods
Method Overloading
Object class
Types of Inheritance
Method Overriding
Dynamic method dispatch
Packages and Interfaces
Defining Packages
Extending Interfaces
Exception Handling
Fundamentals of Exception Handling
Exception types
Try and Catch and finally
Throw , throws
Custom Exception
Inner Class and Wrapper classes
Inner Classes
Static Nested Classes
Wrapper Classes
Anonymous Inner Classes
String Handling
Creating Strings
String handling methods
String Buffer and String Builder
Input and Output in Java
Byte streams & Character streams
Collections Framework
Collection Interfaces and Classes
Basics of java thread
The Thread Scheduler
Naming a thread ,Daemon thread
Perform single /multiple task by multiple threads
Major Thread Concepts
Garbage Collection
Reflection API
Overview of Reflection
Use of newIntance() method and determining the class Object
Accessing private method or member from outside the class
Lambda Built-in Functional Interfaces
Use primitive versions of functional Interface
java.util.function package
Use binary versions of functional Interface
Use the UnaryOperator Interface
Java Swing
Swing Introduction
Swing Controls
Swing Event classes
Event Listeners
Event Adapters
Common JDBC components
Steps to connect to the database using MySQL and oracle database
Types of JDBC statements – statements, preparedStatement and callableStatement
Transactions management in JDBC
CRUD operation using preparedStatement
Calling Stored procedure using callableStatement
How Result Set Works in JDBC
Servlet – environment setup
ServletConfig and ServletContext parameters
Servlet life cycle
Servlet Attribute And Servlet Parameters
Exploring Deployment Descriptor (web.xml)
Session Tracking In Servlet
Servlet Filter
Types Of Filter
Servlet Filter Mapping In Web.Xml
Various Servlet Listener
Servlet Listener Configuration
Details about MVC architecture
Practical exposure on MVC using JSP and Servlet
JSP – Overview
JSP – Life Cycle
SP-Scripting Elements
JSP- Directive Elements
Types Of JSP Scopes
JSP – Custom Tags
JSP-Implicit Objects
JSP – Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
JSP – Expression Language (EL)
JSP – Exception Handling
Spring 3.X
Introduction To Spring Framework
Spring-Environment Setup
Steps To Use Spring Framework In Applications
Understanding IOC And Dependency Injection
Working with Bean Factory and Application Context
Bean Definition
Working with multiple configuration files
Most popular namespaces e.g. beans,
Best practices when working with namespaces
Advanced XML Dependency Injection
Externalizing constant values into properties files
Working with a high number of configuration files
Bean Scopes and Bean Life Cycle
Bean Post Processors
Bean Definition Inheritance
Dependency Injection
Injecting Inner Beans
Injecting Collection Type
Annotation-Based Dependency Injection
Autowiring and component scanning
Annotation Based Configuration(@Required,
JSR-250 Annotations(@Resource,@PostConstruct
Component and Stereotype Annotations
Using MessageSource To Get Text From Property Files
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with Spring
Introduction on Spring AOP
Aspect-oriented programming concepts
Integration with Spring IoC
Defining pointcut expressions
Implementing an advice: @Around, @Before, @After, and so on
AspectJ APIs and annotations
Data Access and JDBC with Spring
Introduction to Spring JDBC
How Spring integrates with existing data access technologies
Spring JDBC APIs
Spring JDBC development
Data Access Exception hierarchy
Result transformations
Implementing Row Mapper
Parameter mapping
Named Parameter JDBC Template
Transactions management in spring.
Spring Declarative Transactions Management
Spring Programmatic transaction management
Hibernate with Spring
Working with Spring MVC
Introduction to Spring MVC framework
Creating many Spring MVC Web Applications
Writing an annotation based controller class -@Controller,@RequestMapping
@PathVariable annotation
Handling an HTML form using @RequestParam annotation
Understanding @ModelAttribute Annotation
Data Binding with Date, Collection
Data Binding with a User-Defined Type, BindingResult
@InitBinder annotation, WebDataBinder, CustomDateEditor
Writing your own custom property editor class
Form Validations
Form Validation (customizing error
messages using Spring MessageSource)
Knowledge of C Programming.
3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pimple Saudagar (Pune),Pune,IN