CMC Limited a Tata Enterprise is a premier information technology company with an all India presence having ISO certification for its R&D center.
CMC Limited has been conducting computer-training program for various organizations since . Large and complex project management capabilities since its incorporation in , CMC has an enviable record of successfully building IT solutions for massive and complex infrastructure and market projects.
Take, for instance, just three of the many major projects undertaken by CMC:
A passenger ticketing and reservations system for Indian Railways, which runs 6, passenger trains carrying over million passengers a day, on a ,-km railway network covering around 8, railway stations.
Cargo handling system is a comprehensive online real time cargo handling system to integrate all complex and varied activities of container terminals. This system has been implemented for several Indian and International ports.
An online transaction processing system for the Bombay Stock Exchange, which handles millions of securities trading transactions every day.
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