Course Duration in Hours
. Ecommerce Concept and Introduction to Magento
. What is e-commerce?
. Ecommerce is a concept where online monetary transactions
involved. People can buy or sell goods through internet.
. Introduction of Magento
. What is Magento ?
. At this moment Magento is a top e-commerce site used
worldwide. It has all the basic and advance features which an e-
commerce package should have.
. How to install Magento
. Steps to install Magento and Minimum requirement of
. Front end over view
. Home page, category listing, product listing, product details,
cart page, checkout page, my account section, Guest and
registered user
. Backend Over view
. Magneto backend catalog, category, shopping cart rules, order,
customer manage, configuration etc
. In depth knowledge of magento back end and front end features
. Catalog Concept, Category Creation
. Different types of product in Magento
. Category product configuration
. How to create tax rules
. Shopping cart price rules, Product price rules
. Import/export
. Configuration like country set, currency set, locale set, url set etc.
. Static blocks, Cms pages
. Multiple Website, store, store view concept
. Magneto design Terminologies
. Website and stores, Interface, themes and block
. Working with Magento themes
. Building your theme and Intro to Layout
. Concept of MVC and Database modeling
. Magento Architecture Model, View, Controller concept
. Database structure
. Concept of Framework
Magento Core modules overview
. Different modules and there uses e.g. Catalog, Checkout, Sales
Magento Architecture
. Code pools, Module packages, Controller, model, block
. Helpers concept. Magento request cycle. Front controller,
Routers and actions
Database Design
. Resource and database connection
. EAV model
. Entities and Entity Attributes
. Collections
. Why need custom module
. Custom module creation and integration
. Building a Custom module (Brand Add)
. Featured Product Module
. Building new Payment gateway module
. Banner Management module
. Controller,Model,Block override using custom module
. Ajax add to cart module
Real Life Projects
Candidate must have basic knowledge of core php to start this course
Tech Altum Development and Training, Sector 15 (Noida),Noida,IN