Course Duration in Hours
Content of Automation Software Testing Course by Micro Incept Technologies
Module 1 Automation Software Testing Functional testing using QTP / UFT
Introduction to automation testing process.
Functional testing using QTP ( Quick Test Professional ) / UFT ( Unified Functional Testing ).
Object Repository.
Recording a test.
Synchronization point.
Parametrize Values.
Test Output Values.
Regular Expressions.
Step Generator.
Virtual Object
Recovery scenario.
Handling data base.
Introduction to VB Script.
Preparing scripts for functional testing.
Debugging the script.
Object model reference.
Case Study in Functional testing using QTP / UFT
Module 2 Automation Software Testing Performance Testing using Load Runner
Introduction to Performance testing tool Load Runner.
Components of Load Runner.
Creating vuserscripts.
Script Enhancement.
Utility Functions.
Creating Performance Scenerio.
Analyzing the results.
Case Study in Performance testing using Load Runner.
Module 3 Test Management Tool Quality Center (QC)
Introduction to Quality Center
Requirements Tab
Four Views of Requirements Tab
Types of Requirements
Test Coverage
Test Plan Tab
Test Plan Tree
Adding New Folder to Test Plan
Types of Tests
Test Lab Tab
Organizational Structure
Building Test Sets
Adding Tests to Test Sets
Execution Flow
Controlling Execution
Test Set Properties
Defects Tab/Change Requests
New Defects
Tracking Defects
Grid Filters
Linking In-Between Different Tabs and Need of Linking
Test Requirements Tab
Test Plan Tab
Test Lab Tab
Defects Tab
Reporting and Analysis
Importing and Exporting
Setting-Up Favorites
Live Analysis
Live Project Implementation
Case Study in Test Management using Quality Center .
Module 4 Automation Software Testing Functional Testing using Selenium
Module 4.1: Selenium Introduction
Selenium Introduction
What is Selenium and Why Selenium
Selenium Components
Introduction of selenium Components
Java in Selenium?
Module 4.2: OOPs concepts and Core java Introduction
OOPs concepts
Setup Java environment Download JDK and Setup eclipse
Java programming concepts
Class, Object ,variables, methods, Packages
Conditions and loops
Access and non access modifiers
Advanced Java Programming
Interfaces, Inheritance
Collections, Exceptions
Module 4.3: Selenium IDE and RC Introduction
Installing Selenium IDE
Selenese Selenium Commands
Developing Test Cases & Test Suites With Selenium-IDE
Introduction to Selenium RC
Module 4.4: Selenium WebDriver Introduction
Selenium WebDriver Introduction
WebDriver Vs RC
Download and Configure WebDriver with Eclipse
Simple Testcase
Open and Close Browser
Cross Browser Testing Firefox, IE ,Chrome, HtmlUnitDriver
UI elements ,Locators
Identifying WebElement using id, name, link text, class, xpath, css
Handling various WebElement using WebDriver
Handling Mouse movements and keyboard Events
Module 4.5: Testing Framework and Tools
Introduction of Testing framework
Types of frameworks
Tools for developing Test Framework
TestNG introduction and Configuration with eclipse
TestNG Annotations and Data Providers
Creating Test Suit with TestNG
Module 4.6: Develop Hybrid Framework
Developing Hybrid Framework for Web Application using WebDriver /TestNG.
Use external Data for Testing (Excel sheet , xml files, Property file )
Reading and understanding reports
Screenshots for failed Test case
Case Study in Software Testing Selenium tools .
BE / B.Tech / ME / M Tech / MCA / BCA
Micro Incept Technologies, Shakarpur (Delhi),Delhi,IN