Course Duration in Hours
Introduction to Java.
Drawbacks of C and C++.
History of Java and Releases of Java.
2. Installation of Java S/W.
How to download JDK Software.
Installation and setting the class path.
3. First Java Program.
Explanation with execution steps.
generating .class files
4. Naming Rules in Java.
5. Data Types in Java.
Eight data types and its sizes.
6. Operators in Java.
Arithmetic Operators.
Relational Operators.
Logical Operators.
Bitwise Operators.
Increment/Decrement Operators.
Ternary Operator.
Instanceof Operator.
7. Control Statements in Java.
(If-else, else if,switch,while,do while,for,break,continue,exit())
8. Reading the data from Keyboard.
Classes used to read the data from the keyboard.
Steps for reading the data from the keyboard.
Reading character from the keyboard.
Reading string from the keyboard.
Reading integer, float and double values from the keyboard
9. Strings in Java.
Types of ways to create a string.
Comparing == and equals () method.
Immutable and Mutable Objects.
Difference b/w StringBuffer and StringBuilder classes.
10. Arrays in Java.
Introduction to arrays.
Types of Arrays.
Types of ways to create a 1D Array with examples.
Types of ways to create a 2D Array with examples.
11. OOPS Features.
Types of Programming Languages.
Data Abstraction.
Data Encapsulation.
Dynamic Binding.
Message Passing.
12. Syntaxes for creating a class and object.
13. Examples on OOPS.
What are the default values of the data members of a class.
How many ways we can initialize the data members of a class.
14. Constructors in Java.
Definition and rules for writing a Constructor.
Types of Constructors.
Constructor Overloading.
this keyword importance.
how to call the constructor by using this keyword.
15. Types of methods in Java.
Examples on Static and Factory methods.
16. Static keyword importance.
Difference b/w instance block and static block and constructor.
17. Inheritance in Java.
Types of Inheritances.
Example on Inheritance.
Calling default Constructor from the base class.
Calling parameterized Constructor from the base class.
18. Super keyword importance.
Calling super class datamembers, methods and constructor.
19. Final keyword importance.
Need of final keyword at Variable level, Method Level and class level.
20. Polymorphism in Java.
Method Overloading.
Method Overriding.
21. Abstract classes.
Types of classes in Java.
How to create Abstract classes.
Examples on Abstract classes.
22. Interfaces.
Similarities b/w Abstract classes and interfaces.
Dis-Similarities b/w Abstract classes and interfaces.
How to create interface.
Achieving Multiple Inheritance using interfaces.
How to use extends and implements keywords at a time.
23. Inner classes and types.
Need and types of Inner classes.
24. Packages.
Need of packages.
List of Predefined Packages in Core Java.
User-defined Packages and steps to create them.
Package with Sub Package.
Package with interface.
Access Specifiers in Java.
Example to show the scope of Access Specifiers with packages.
25. Exception Handling in Java.
Types of errors in Java.
Def of exception and exception handling.
Hierarchy of Exceptions.
Checked and unchecked exceptions.
How to handle the exceptions using try, catch and finally.
Difference b/w throw and throws with examples.
Steps to create user defined exceptions.
Example on user defined exceptions.
26. Multithreading.
What is thread and what is default thread.
How to create our own thread.
How to create multiple threads.
Thread priorities.
Thread synchronization.
Thread dead lock.
Wait (), notify (), notifyAll () methods.
Join () method.
Thread lifecycle.
27. Socket/Network Programming.
How to connect client and server using socket programming.
28. Wrapper classes.
Need of wrapper classes and list.
29. Garbage Collection.
How to work with Garbage Collector.
About finalize () method.
30. File Handling.
Need of files.
How to create files.
How to send the data to a file.
How to read the data from a file.
31. Serialization and De-Serialization.
Steps to serialize and De-Serialize the object.
About transient keyword.
32. Collection Framework.
Need of Collection Framework.
Hierarchy of Collection Framework.
Important interfaces of Collection Framework.(List,Set,Map,Queue etc).
Examples on ArrayList, Vector, LinkedList.
Examples on HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet.
Examples on Hashtable, HashMap, LinkedHashMap, TreeMap.
Working with Comparator and Comparable interfaces.
Examples on how to sort the elements and finding biggest element etc.
Collections with Generics.
33. AWT, Swings and Applets.
34. Special class with IDE S Like Eclipse and Net beans etc.
New Features in Java 1.5 :
1. Generics
2. Enhanced for Loop
3. Autoboxing/Unboxing
4. Typesafe Enums
5. Varargs
6. Static Import
7. Annotations
8. New features of JDK 1.6 AND JDK 1.7.
Advanced Java:-
It contains mainly three topics.
3.Jsp s
1.Introduction to JDBC,
2.JDBC Architecture.
3.Types of drivers.
4.Important interfaces in JDBC.
5.Steps for Connecting with the Database.
6.Examples on CRUD Operations.
how to create/insert the data using JDBC.
how to retrive/fetch the data using JDBC.
how to update the records using JDBC.
how to delete the records using JDBC.
7. Scrollable and Updatable ResultSet.
8. Using PreparedStatement interface.
9. Difference b/w Statement and PreparedStatement /
10. Using RowSet interface.
11. Using StoredProcedures .
12. Difference b/w Statement,PreparedStatement and CallableStatement.
13. Using ResultSetMetaData interface.
14. Transactions.
1. Introduction to Web Applications.
2. Need and importance of Servlets.
3. Servlet API.
4. Servlet Lifecycle.
5. General Programming Structure of Servlet Application.
6. How to install and run the server.(Tomcat or JBoss)
7. How to configure the server with Eclipse.
8. First Hello World Example On Servlet.
9. Example on Lifecycle Methods Of Servlet.
10.How to access the values from the UI with validation.(Login Page Example)
11. Initialization paraments.
12.Context Parameters.
13. Using RequestDispatcher interface.
14. difference b/w include(),forward(),sendRedirect() methods.
15. Session Tracking Mechanism.
URL Rewriting.
Hidden form Fields.
17. Listeners.
1.Introduction to JSP S.
2.Advantages of JSP s Over Servlet.
3.Model-1 and Model-2 Architectires.
4.JSP LifeCycle.
5.Importane Tags of JSP S.
6.First Example On JSP S.
7.Implicit Objects in JSP S with Examples.
8.Important Directives in JSP S with Examples.
9.Action Tags in JSP S with Examples.
10.Expression Langauge with Examples.
11.JSTL with Examples.
12.JSP and Servlet Communication.
13.About MVC Framework.
14.About DAO Design Pattern.
1. Introduction to MVC Framework
2. Difference b/w MVC1 and MVC2 Architectures.
3. Struts Flow of Execution
4. Struts Elements
Struts Configuration file
5. DynaActionForm
6. Struts Tag Library
7. Validator Framework
9.Built in actions in Struts
10.Tiles Frame Work
1. Introduction to ORM(Hibernate) Framework
2. Comparing JDBC and Hibernate.
3. Advanatages of Hibernate compared to JDBC
4. Importatnt classes and interface of Hibernate.
5. Hibernate Architecture
6. Steps to deveop simple Hibernate Application
7. Performing CRUD Opearions.
8. HQL(Hibernate Query Language)
9. Relationships in Hibernate
One to One
One to Many
Many to One
Many to Many
10. Inheritence In Hibernate
11. Criteria API
Spring Framework:-
1. Introduction to Spring Framework
2. Spring Modules
3. IOC Container
4. Dependency Injection
5. Constructor Injection
6. Setter Injection
7. Autowiring
8. Spring AOP
9. Spring JDBC
10. Spring with ORM
11. Spring MVC
12. Spring with Struts
B.E/ etc...
Feria IT Solutions, Sholinganallur (Chennai),Chennai,IN