Course Duration in Hours
NLP Foundation / Diploma Course.
Neurolinguistic Programming NLP is hailed as technology of Achievement. Many are curious to Experience and Learn NLP. This two day workshop on NLP Neuro Linguistic Programming is designed to take you through the wonderful journey of experiencing NLP. NLP is the science of excellence; it is about achieving your dreams and desires. It is about unleashing your locked up potential, so that you can perform at your best resulting in excellence in everything you do.
NLP The Technology of Achievement The System of Choices
Know the difference that makes the difference. What distinguishes people who achieve what they want in life is the choices they make. NLP is essentially a methodology to help you to make better choices. When you start experiencing NLP, youll innovate ways that can help you ask better questions to yourself and others, recognise when you deviate from the right track and feel balanced and comfortable in a wider range of situations.
As your experience with NLP increases , your behaviour will become more in line with what matters to you in life. While your body will be giving you an abundance of energy, you will be fully guided by your heart with fuller access to your mind conscious and unconscious mind. Your sensory acuity can improve so that you will be trusting your senses more, using better questions where it counts most in your own mind. Your, values, objectives and goals will be clearer and with greater attention, you will be able to change the road you travel and it becomes easier for you to head for the results you want. NLP is based on the one key principle, explore what successful people do, and find ways to apply that in your own life. So, NLP can support and transform you in such a way that you too can achieve what you want in life.
What will you get out of the NLP Foundation Training?
Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP in short is the study of Excellence and new technology of achievement. NLP can transform your life for better, by the practical and very effective techniques & tools you master with the NLP training. The participants of this programme have benefited as given below.
Becoming aware of the language you use while communicating with yourself & with others.
Understanding the difference in communication at the conscious level & subconscious level.
Developing the ability to perform at your best, to tap your true potential, and become a powerful communicator.
Holding a better understanding of how people think & process information in their mind.
Evaluate situations from different points of view and be able to take effective, balanced decisions to gain the co-operation and commitment of everyone involved.
Understanding why people do what they do & learn to respect them for what they are.
Learning how to gain rapport easily with different types of people.
Learning to adopt some of new thought patterns, new thinking strategies, some of the new beliefs and which would undoubtedly be more effective in your work/life.
Produce a personal development plan that will enable you to continue to enhance your ability to learn and grow.
Syllabus of the course
History and Evolution of NLP
NLP Presuppositions
NLP Communication Model Deletion, Distortion and Generalisation
Representational Systems Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olefactory and Gustatory (VAKOG)
Sensory Acuity,Eye accessing Cues
Rapport Building Techniques: How to build and improve relationships.
Well formed Outcomes
Self Confidence and Self Esteem improving Techniques.
Circle of Excellence and Anchoring technique
Linguistic Skills, etc. and so on
Training at Excelsior Academy
When you start learning something new, the most important step is how you are getting off to the right start in the best possible way. We believe that the way you begin to explore and experience the world of NLP, the education and mentoring you receive, will make all the difference in the world as to how easily, quickly and efficiently you progress in your personal and professional NLP competency and evolution.
We also have an good Library consisting of books, e-books, Audio CDs and DVDs. The participants will benefit from this even after the completion of the course
What You will Gain from NLP Foundation Course
This programme introduces and creates some exciting experiences. You will not be the same person after participating in this programme. It will lead you to a life in which your true potential unravelled and you will discover the excellence that lies in all of us. The programme is experiential, flexible and interactive. This is actually a stepping stone to acquire more knowledge and skills of NLP
This programme will help you -
Understand the power of language and how to use it effectively.
Understand the preferred communication methods; Visual, Auditory or Kinaesthetic
How to manage different states, emotions as well as stress
Build powerful relationships, both personal and official
To make clarity about your goals and desires in your life.
Access inner resources like confidence and energy as and when you need them.
To get rid of any limiting beliefs, phobias, fear, anxiety or anger
Duration and Training Format
The course duration and details are as follows
This is a 2 day ( about 12 Hours) experiential training program with very limited participants.
It follows similar to coaching methodology giving more personal attention in the training
We teach you a lot of NLP Techniques to help you overcome personal challenges.
Emphasis will be given in handling real time life problems using NLP techniques.
Date: Trivandrum 23rd and 24th May 2015
Normal Fee: Rs 4000/-
Early Bird Offer: Fee Rs 3,500/- (Before 1st May 2015)
What You will Receive:
2 days training
Certificate of participation
Handouts & stationery,
Lunch and Tea for two days
Audio CD program for follow up studies
Ebooks on NLP
Support after the training for one year.
Good knowledge of English
Excelsior Academy, Trivandrum,IN