Course Duration in Hours
Google Marketing Strategy
Get listed your advertisement within 24 hours through Google Ads. Learn the concept of Paid Advertising and build strategy for your paid campaigns for higher ROI.
Search Engine Marketing
Learn to plan keywords, campaign and target peoples with appealing ad designing for Search Engine. You learn here to bring trafiic on your website through targeting audience, budgeting, bidding, ad designing, extensions, monitoring performances, etc.
Display Marketing, Branding, Video Marketing
Learn the concept of branding with digutal channels using Google. You learn Display advertising, Video (YouTube) Advertising for Branding, Engagement, Website Traffic, etc.
Email Marketing
Learn effective ways to engage audiences through effecting email marketing channels. Learn strategy, tools, reporting.
Social Media Management
Learn to create social account and manage in effective way to increase popularity and engage audiences for longer time. Learn best practices of social media management on Facebook and Instagram.
Social Media Marketing
The social media marketing for target base audiences. Learn to build social media strategy for targeting right audiences through paid campaigns with maximum outcome. Learn the consumer behaviour based on interest base marketing. Desig......n campaigns, objective selection, targeting audiences, interest, device, budget and bidding, ad designing, ad monitoring, etc.
Mobile Marketing
Learn effective mobile marketing tetchniques using Google Tools and Social Media Tools.
Lead Generation
Learn lead generation through Google Ads and Social Media Ads
Entrepreneurs or affiliate marketeers who want to use digital media to improve their business performance
Professionals in Marketing / Publishing / E-Business / Advertising
Professionals who seek to improve the performance of their digital marketing campaigns
Professionals who want to shift to digital marketing
Marketing professionals who wants to use digital marketing to meet their marketing objectives
Students of Management or Engineering background
Students of IT / Computer Science background
Individuals / beginners seeking career opportunities in the marketing domain
Digital Connext, Vikhroli East (Mumbai),Mumbai,IN