Course Duration in Hours
Introduction to IBM Cognos TM1
Review financial performance management
Describe the architecture and components of TM1
Explain Severs and services
Installation and configuration
User guide to practice
Resume preparation
Provide Day to Day Corporate materials
Provide source file for practicing
Certification Guidance
Create &Configure TM1 Servers
Create/Delete Desktop Service
Create /Delete Windows Services by using command prompt
Configure existing servers
Create Dimensions
Review cubes and dimensions
Create dimensions manually
Edit dimensions
Create dimensions using Turbo Integrator
Work with Dimension Editor/Attributes
Work with different elements C,N and S
Build Cubes and Views
Discuss cubes and data points
Create cubes
Construct views of data in cubes
Create and use a pick list
Create Static subsets&Dynamic subsets
Create Pravte,Public and Default Views
Load and Maintain DataVia Turbo Integrator (TI)
Create processes to load data
Create a process to delete data in a cube
Create processes to update the model
Schedule process /edit process
Write script on Prolog, metadata, data and Epilog
Create parameters
Derive new variables by using formulas
Add Business Rules
Discuss a rule
Construct rules for elements or consolidations
Use functions in rules
Optimize rule performance
Discuss rules in a Rule Worksheet
Optimize Rule Performance
Optimize rule performance
Use Skipcheck and Feeders
Employ tools to enhance rules and feeders
Transfer Data into Your Model Using Scripts
Review Advanced tabs in Turbo Integrator
Add a subset to a dimension
Use logic in scripts
Move data between versions
Construct chores
Customize Drill Paths&Data Spreading Methods
Create a Drill Process
Create a Drill Assignment Rule
Data Spreading Methods
Equally ,replace, and proposional
Using Rules for Advanced Modeling
Discuss virtual cubes
List uses for lookup cubes
Create and use a spread profile cube
Implement moving balances in a cube
Model for Different Fiscal Requirements
Discuss time considerations
Use discrete time dimensions
Implement a continuous time dimension model
Introduction Security to Managing Applications
Server level security
Cube level Security
Dimension level security
Security Assignment for Individual Dimensions,Cubes..
Create and Deploy Planning Applications to the Web Client
Create a Managed Planning Application
Apply security to Managed Planning Applications
Examine design techniques and best practices
Create and Deploy Planning Applications to the Prospects (Excel)
Connect TM1 sever in excel
Create snapshot and Slicer
Create & Manage Active Forms
Any UG degree, any PG degree, Any B.E, except B.A & M.A
Creative Logix, Villapuram (Madurai),Madurai,IN