Course Duration in Hours
1. Public Speaking & getting message across:
Developing Speeches & Presentations
Message Delivery Techniques
2. Handling Stage Fright:
Understanding nature & causes of Stage Fright
Measures to prevent Stage Fright & Relaxation Techniques before the Speech
3. Practical Training:
Developing the ability to handle difficult situations.
Maintaining poise in tone and body language.
Recitation of Speeches from World Famous Personalities
4. Role Plays:
Record and playback of individual performances
Individual feedback and guidance for ensuring an effective performance.
5. Motivation & Confidence building:
Techniques for enhancing self-esteem.
Ability to stay calm in the face of odds
. Theory content:
Basics of Voice - Tone, Pitch etc.. Importance of Breath, correct tone
Types of Voice, Common Speaking defects. Telephone Etiquette
Poise & Body language
7.Exercises for Clarity in communication:
Pronunciation Techniques. Accent Neutralization techniques.
Development of capacity & control in speech. Development of voice modulation. Practice & exercises
8.Interpersonal Skills:
Making Positive Assumptions
Being clear with what is desired
Developing Aggressive Listening Skills
Right Choice of Words
Networking Strategies
9. Goal/ Objective based management:
Career Goals
Financial Goals
Health Goals
Family & relationship Goals
10. Strategic Thinking
Leadership & People Management
Influencing & Motivation techniques
Essential habits for success
Goal Setting
11. Tactical Execution
Planning & Execution
Problem Solving techniques
Time Management
12. Personal Excellence
Negotiation skills
Creativity & innovation
Negotiation Skills
Managers working in private & public sectors
Lecturers & Professors from education field
Self employed professionals - CAs / Architecture / Lawyers / Doctors
Skillcert Consultancy Private Ltd, A K Marg (Mumbai),Mumbai,IN