PENTAWARE TECHNOLOGY in EGMORE offers best software training and placement exclusively on Websphere,SAP,Oracle, Data Warehouse, Java, Sharepoint, Software Testing, Informatica, Cognos, Dot Net, Oracle DBA, Hadoop, SAS, R Language, UNIX SHELL Scripting, C and C++, and more to the students.
It is a leading Training and Placement company in Chennai. We are known for our practical approach towards trainings that enable students to gain real-time exposure on competitive technologies. Trainings are offered by employees from MNCs to give a real corporate exposure.
We at Pentaware Technology have been in IT industry for nearly 7 years, providing Training, Consultancy and Development solutions in emerging technologies like Websphere,SAP,Oracle, Datawarehousing, HADOOP, SalesForce, SAP, DOTNET, UNIX, Sharepoint, Testing, J2EE etc....
We undertake Classroom Training, Corporate Training and Video Based Training on latest Technologies on latest versions. We make sure that all our sessions are very much interactive and well structured. We encourage every participant to come up with his / her own queries during & after the training sessions. We prefer practical approach rather than theoretical information to master the technical depth of the technology. We provide excellent Lab Handouts for practice including Realtime Case Studies and Projects on ALL courses. Specific DAY to DAY Course Plan will also be shared prior to training registration to ensure transparency of our Training services.
Our Trainings are focused on perfect improvement of technical skills for Freshers and working professional. Our Training classes are sure to help the trainee with COMPLETE PRACTICAL TRAINING and Realtime methodologies.
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