Course Duration in Hours
By the end of this course participants should be able to:
Plan, create, format and distribute a report
Organise data on a report
Select records
Apply section formatting
Create basic formulas
Apply conditional reporting
Present data visually
Participants should already:
Be competent in using a mouse and keyboard
Have an understanding of Windows
Have basic database concepts
1.Getting Started
Planning a report
Understanding the Crystal Reports Environment-Design Tab, Toolbars, Preview Tab
Connecting to the data source - using the Database Expert
Placing objects on the report using the Field Explorer
Report Titles using Summary Info & Text Box
Previewing & saving reports
Modifying reports Resizing fields, Arranging Fields, Field Alignment
2.Organizing Records
Record selection including:
Understanding the Select Expert Features
Determining the record selection criteria
Applying record selection on string, number & date fields
Using multiple section criteria
Modifying record selection with the formula editor
3.Grouping including:
Creating groups with different data types
Modifying groups
Nested Groups
Specified groups
4.Summarizing including:
Inserting summaries for different data types
Creating percentage summaries
Inserting Grand Totals
Using the Group Sort Expert
5.Formatting including:
Using the Format Editor
Formatting String Fields
Formatting Number Fields
Formatting Date Fields
Adding Lines & Boxes 6.Formatting
Using section expert features to format sections
Creating summary reports
7.Formulas & Functions
Formula basics including:
Formula Components & Syntax
Using the Formula Workshop
Creating basic formulas
8.Modifying formulas
Editing formulas
Deleting formulas
9.Functions including:
Basic Calculations using summary functions
String Manipulation
Basic Date Functions
Boolean Formulas
Applying If Then Else formulas
Using Nested if then else statements
10Conditional formatting including:
Using the Highlight Expert
Formatting fields conditionally
How to use the report wizards
Creating a cross tab report using the wizard
Creating a cross tab report in an existing report
Formatting cross tabs
12.Report Distribution
Exporting the report in various formats
Distributing the reports
Info Era, Indira Nagar (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN