Arena Animation is the animation, web designing, VFX & multimedia education brand of Aptech Limited, with over years of experience. The Academy gives practical training in 3D & 2D Animation, Web designing, Visual Effects, Graphic designing, Broadcast and Multimedia around the world.
More than , students have been successfully trained. Arena classrooms are equipped with world-class infrastructure such as state-of-the-art technology, practice labs, high-end animation tools, 2D animation facilities, 3D software and art rooms. Students also get to access an extensive reference library to improve their knowledge & skills.
The Institute provides various career oriented courses which leads to good job placements in major Indian & international studios like Prime Focus, UTV Movies, Maya Entertainment, Star Plus, Reliance Media Works, and many more. Apart from technical training & project work, the School also conducts job placement workshops, industry visits, and seminars by well-known industry experts.
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