Course Duration in Hours
I. Introduction to Personality Development
a. What is personality?
b. Why does it matter?
c. We are all unique.
II. The Developing Personality
a. How do personalities develop?
b. Multiple theories in psychology.
c. Three main influences cited:
i. Heredity
ii. Environment
iii. Situations
III. Stages of Development
a. Freudian stages of development
b. Erik Ericksons stages of development
IV. Need a little personality?
a. How needs impact personality
b. Maslows hierarchy of needs
V. Basic Personality Traits
a. Values
b. Beliefs
c. Interactions
d. Experiences
e. Environmental influences
f. The big five dimensions
VI. Moral Development
a. As related to personality
b. Kohlbergs stages
VII. Whats your personality type?
a. What are the basic personality types?
b. Quiz to determine personality type
c. Learning about yourself through type
VIII. Hearing Jung Out
a. Who was Carl Jung
b. His contribution to personality development theory
IX. Personality and Career Choice
a. Matching your career and personality
b. Why it matters
c. Self efficacy
X. Changing Your Personality
a. Can personalities change?
b. Being yourself, being adaptable
c. Positive attitude
d. Individuality
e. Controlling emotions
XI. Personality Disorders
a. What they are and why understanding them matters
i. Paranoid, schizoid, antisocial, borderline, narcissistic, avoidant, dependent, obsessive
ii. Symptoms
iii. Causes
iv. Treatments
XII. Do opposites really attract?
a. Getting like personalities together, as well as opposites
b. What can happen
c. Multiple personalities on the same team
XIII. Personal Growth
a. Ways you can try to improve
b. Helpful tools and exercises
c. Benefits of keeping a journal
d. Setting goals, focusing on positives
XIV. Working on Personality Changes
a. Focusing on attitude
b. Staying motivated
c. Increasing confidence
d. Watching body language
e. Handling other people
XV. Putting it all together
a. Knowing your own personality strengths and weaknesses
b. Being able to identify other peoples personality traits
c. Using that in your home, career and relationships
Continued learning on personality development
WIN SOFTTECH, Mathikere (Bangalore),Bangalore,IN