Course Duration in Hours
1. Introduction to C
Features of C
Applications of C
Programming Language Classification
2. Keywords, Constants and Variables
Tokens in C
3. Data Types in C
Primary Data Types
Secondary Data Types
Types of Instruction in C
4. Operator and Expressions
Arithmetic &Relational Operator
Logical Operator
Increment and Decrement Operator
Assignment Operator
Size of Operator
Type Conversion
5. Control Structure
Conditional Control Structure
Iterative Control Structures
Jumping Control Structures
Multiway Control Structures
6. Storage Classes
Automatic Storage Class
Static Storage Class
External Storage Class
Register Storage Class
7. Functions
Defining a Function
Working of a Function
Types of Function
Recursive Function
8. Pointers
Use of Pointer
Declaration of Pointer
Call by Reference
Operation on Pointers
Dereferencing of Pointer
Pointer to Pointer
Pointer to Function
9. Arrays
Classification of Arrays
One-Dimensional Arrays
Multi-dimensional Arrays
Arrays and Functions
Array of Pointers
Limitations of an Array
Applications of an Array
10. Structure
Defining Structure
Declaring Structure Variable
Initializing Structure Variable
Accessing Structure Elements
Nested Structure
Array of Structures
Pointers to Structures
Passing Structure to Function
11. String Handling
Declaration of String
Initialization of String
Reading String from Terminal
Reading Line of Text
Writing String to Screen
String Handling Functions
Other String Functions
12. Preprocessor Directives
Introduction to Pre-processor
Working of Pre-Processor
Types of Pre-processor Directives
13. File Management in C
Introduction to File
Types of File
Basic Operation on File
14. Dynamic Memory Allocation
Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions
Dynamic Data Structures
Classification of Data Structure
Introduction to Linked List
Advantages & Drawbacks of Linked List
Computer Fundamentals
3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pimple Saudagar (Pune),Pune,IN