Course Duration in Hours
Introduction to Assertion
Understanding Generics in Collections
Auto Boxing
String Builder
For in Loop
Static imports
Creating a Formatter
Annotations Fundamentals
Regular Expressions and Patterns
Strings in switch Statement
Type Inference for Generic Instance Creation
Multiple Exception Handling
Try with Resources
Automatic null Handling
JDBC Introduction
JDBC Architecture
Common JDBC Components
Steps to connect to the database (MySQL, Oracle)
Creating JDBC Application
JDBC - Exceptions Handling
JDBC - Statements, Prepared Statement and Callable Statement
JDBC - Data Types
JDBC - Stored Procedures
Which Driver should be used?
ResultSetMetaData and DatabaseMetaData
Storing and retrieving file from datbase
Transactions Management in JDBC
Batch Processing in JDBC
Servlets Overview
What are Servlets?
Creating Servlet Application using Eclipse IDE &
Tomcat Server
Servlet life Cycle
GenericServlet and HttpServlet
Basics of Web
HTTP, HTTPrequest Type, Difference between GET And POST method, WebContainer, Difference between WebServer and applicationServer, Content Type, Introduction to web.xml deployment Descriptor.
Servlet API
Exploring directory structures of Web Application.
How to Change port number of Apache Tomcat
How to deploy the project on Server
Servlets - Http Status Codes
ServletRequest and ServletResponse
RequestDispacher and SendRedirect
Servlet Config and Servlet Context
Servlet Attribute and Servlet Parameter
Session Tracking in Servlet
Cookies,Hidden form field,URL Rewriting and HttpSession
Event and Listener
Servlet Filter
Writing Filters, Filter life Cycle, types of filter, Servlet Filter Example, Servlet Filter Mapping in Web.xml, Using Multiple Filters, Filters application Order
Servlets - Exception Handling
Servlets - Cookies Handling
Servlets - Database Access
Servlets - File Uploading
Servlets - Page Redirection
Servlets - Hits Counter
Servlets - Auto Page Refresh
JSP - Overview
JSP - Environment Setup
JSP - Life Cycle
JSP-Scripting elements
JSP- Directive elements
JSP- Action tags or elements
Forward, include, useBean, setProperty, getProperty
JSP - Custom Tags
JSP-Implicit Objects
JSP - Standard Tag Library (JSTL)
JSP - Expression Language (EL)
JSP - Exception Handling
Introduction to Hibernate
Overview of Hibernate
Features of Hibernate
Getting Started with Hibernate
Create Persistent Java Objects
Mapping POJO with Persistence Layer Using Hibernate Mapping Document
Hibernate Configuration File
Hibernate O/R Mapping
hibernate-mapping element
class element
id element
generator element
Working with objects
Hibernate object states
Making objects persistent
Modifying persistent objects
Modifying detached objects
Deleting persistent objects
Flushing the Session
Association mapping
Inheritance Mapping
Hibernate Query Language
Criteria Queries
Creating a Criteria instance
Narrowing the result set
Ordering the results
Hibernate Caching
Introduction of Spring Framework
Spring Framework Architecture
Beans and Containers
Dependency Injection /Inversion of control.
The Application Context
Transactions Management
Spring DAO
Object Relational Mapping Intergration.
Spring web MVC.
Jakarta Struts
Struts Architecture
MVC1 & MVC2 Architecture
Action Classes and Mapping
Struts Tag Libraries
Input Validation
Advanced Configuration
Under the Hood
Working with Tiles
Deployment Descriptors
Java Language
3RI Technologies Pvt Ltd, Pimple Saudagar (Pune),Pune,IN