Course Duration in Hours
An Introduction to Android
Android overview
Types of devices
Types of apps
A brief history
System architecture
How apps are compiled and run
Using Eclipse for Android development
An introduction to Eclipse projects
How to work with the user interface
How to work with other XML resources
How to run an app on a physical device
How to run an app on an emulator
How to detect and correct errors and warnings
Developing an App
Developing and Activity and user interface
Working with widgets and layouts
How to work with the strings.xml file
Handle the click event
The lifecycle of an activity
Using the documentation
Test and debug an Android app
How to check the layout
The three types of errors
How to handle runtime errors
How to trace code execution
Using LogCat logging
Using toast
The debugger
Configuring your emulators
Working with layouts and widgets
A summary of layouts & widgets
The View hierarchy
Linear layout
Table layout
Frame layout
Nesting layouts
Editable text views
Check boxes & radio buttons
Spinners & seek bars
Scroll bar
Handle events
High-level and low-level events
Techniques for handling events
The current class as the listener
Use a named class as the listener
Use an anonymous class as the listener
Use an inner anonymous class as the listener
Handling Key events
Handling Touch events
Themes and Styles
Define a style
Apply a style
Create a style sheet
Working with themes
Modify a theme
Summary of built-in themes
Apply themes
Define colors
Apply colors
Menus and Preferences
Defining a menu
Display an options menu
Handle option menu events
Define preferences
Display preferences in an activity
Display preferences in a fragment
How to get preferences
Using preferences
Group preferences
Single-pane and multi-pane layouts
The lifecycle methods of a fragment
Create the layout for a fragment
Create the class for a fragment
Display a fragment in an activity
Preference fragment
Threads, Files, Adapters, and Intents
How threads work
Execute asynchronous tasks
Timed tasks
How to update the UI thread
How to download a file from the Internet
How to parse an XML file
Using an adapter to display data in a list view
Handle events for an adapter
Using intents to pass data
Services and Notifications
The Application object
Define and register the Appliction object
The lifecycle of a service
Create and register a service
Service start and stop
Using threads with services
How notifications work
Create a pending intent
Create a notification
System services
Broadcast Receivers
System broadcasts
Custom broadcasts
Create and send a custom broadcast
Coding a receiver for a custom broadcast
SQLite Databases
An introduction to SQLite
Create a database class
Create or upgrade a database
Open and close a database connection
Retrieve rows
Insert, update, and delete
Data from a cursor
Use the DDMS perspective
Use the SQLite Database Browser
Tabs and Custom Adapters
Layout for tab displays
Custom adapter
Content Providers
URIs and MIME types for content providers
Content provider class
Querying, inserting, updating, deleting
Register a content provider
Using a content provider
Built-in content provider
Working with a dialog box
App Widgets
A Home screen app widgets
How to add app widgets to the Home screen
Create app widgets
Configure an app widget
Register an app widget
Testing an app widget
Deploy an Android App
Distribution and monetization
Release build
Create the signed APK
Distribute directly to the user
Publish on Google Play
The Developer Console to publish an app
Locations and Maps
An introduction to the Google Maps Android API
Working with locations
Get the current location
Get location updates
Making sure GPS is enabled
Working with Google Maps
Map fragment
Add markers
Add lines
Spectrum Solutions, Pondicherry,IN