Hours Training is the Most comprehensive Training Provided by Click Prefect TM . This Includes Components of Internet Marketing as well as Modules such as Mobile Marketing , Photo Marketing , Video Marketing , Viral Marketing , Online Reputation Brand Management , Brand Mis Management on Internet & other Digital Platforms. Also We prepare you for Google Certifications in our Digital Marketing Course . However In language in Internet marketing in Hours we Teach Main Components of Marketing on Internet only and not all Digital Touch Points.
I am Student and I am Looking for Regular Classes ( Monday Friday ) VS I m Professional and I have Time available only on Weekends or on early morning and late evenings.
Please mention your Time Preference for Learning at the time of making inquiry at our Institute and we will be giving you next available batch start date per your Time preference.
April 3, 2015 at 2:53 pmMy training at this institute is very nice and good.iam having good knowledge now on this course.