Course Duration in Hours
Course Contents :
Day 1:
Introduction :
Introduction of Clusters
Advantages of Using RAC
RAC Architecture And Concepts
Oracle release 11gr2 overview
Background Processes
Introduction to 11g RAC daemons
Storage Options for RAC Database :
Introduction to ASM
Advantages of ASM
Day 2 :
RAC Installations :
Installing Cluster Ready Services (Grid Infrastructure 11gr2)
ASM configure
Install Database Software (Rdbms 11gr2)
Day 3:
RAC Database Creation:
Creating the Cluster Database
Manage redo log groups in a RAC environment
Manage undo Tablespaces in a RAC environment
Oracle Rac net services
Introduction to SCAN listener
Day 4:
Introduction to ASM and Rac tools
RAC Administration :
SRVCTL necessity in RAC
Starting and Stopping instances and database
Enabling and Disabling services
Working with spfile in RAC environment
Management of OCR and Voting Disk
Day 5 :
Managing Backup and Recovery in RAC :
Consideration for Logical Backups in RAC (Datapump )
Physical Backup and Recovery in RAC through RMAN
Design for high availability :
Migration to RAC (single instance to multi-instance)
Adding Node and deleting nodes in existing RAC
Configure Server and client side connect -time load balancing
Configure and manage services with srvctl commands
Day 6 :
RAC Monitoring and performance aspects and Use of Enterprise
Determine RAC specific Performance issue
Administrating Services with EM
EM Cluster Database Performance pages
Q and A session
Candidates having knowledge of Oracle DBA
eTechGuys, Sech Bhavan (Kolkata),Kolkata,IN