Course Duration in Hours
Web Designing
Html,Css, JavaScript and Jquery
With this progressive HTML5 ,CSS3, JAVA SCRIPT and J-QUERY combo course, we brings forth yet another
blended training module comprising of two of the most popular and rapidly emerging technologies. HTML5
and CSS3 is the next big thing in the world of web development. HTML5 has risen to the status of a core
markup language in the world wide web due to a number of new attributes and elements that are apt for use
in modern websites.
This training will also teach you how to: code application logic in web applications with the use of JavaScript,
store local data using JSON, create HTML5 pages to parse data with the use of HTML5 forms, build the DOM,
build responsive layouts with CSS3, and describe on HTML5 canvas.
Overview of HTML5: Introduction, The HTML5 Advantages, HTML vs. HTML5, Whats new in HTML5,
Semantic Markup, New HTML5 Semantic Tags.
The Canvas API
Introduction,Understanding Canvas, Context, Coordinates, Browser Support & Alternate Content, Working
with Canvas, Checking for browser support, Writing Text on Canvas, Drawing a line, Applying
Transformations to Drawings, Translate in Canvas,Working with Stroke Styles, Working with Rectangle,
Working with Fill Styles, Working with Curves,Insert Image into Canvas, Linear Gradient, Radial Gradient,
Background Pattern, Scaling Canvas Object, Canvas Text, Applying Shadows
Scalable Vector Graphics in HTML5
Overview of HTML 5 & CSS 3, Working with SVG in HTML5,Transforming SVG, Reusing SVG Elements,
Drawing Paths,Using Patterns and Gradients with SVG, A small Application using SVG, Multimedia in
HTML5,Introduction to Multimedia, Codecs and Containers, Browser support for Audio/ Video, Checking the
Browser Support
Working with Audio/ Video Elements, Using Autoplay, More attributes, Control Functions, Adding Subtitles
for Accessibility, Exclusive Video Attributes, Video Timeline Browser
Understanding Geolocation API
Overview, Sources of Location Information, Privacy Protection, Checking for Browser Support, Position
Request, One-Shot Position Request, Repeated Position Updates, Showing Location on Google Map
Working with Forms API
Overview of Forms, Functional Forms, The Input Catalog, Common Input Types like, text, password, submit,
radio,checkboxHTML 5 & CSS 3, button, HTML5 Input Types, number, date, color, range, month, week, time,
date time-local,email,search, tell, url, HTML5 Form Attributes and Functions, Validating Form Elements in
HTML5, A complete Application
Communications API in HTML5
Introducing Cross Document Messaging, Sending a message, Receiving a message, Listening to the Message
Events, Sample Application using postMessage. Progress Events, Cross-Origin Requests, Using Progress
Events, Complete Application,
Working with WebSockets
Understanding WebSockets, WebSocket Handshake, WebSocket Interface, Methods,WebSocket
Framing,Adding Event Listeners,
Working with Web Workers
Understanding Web Workers, Web Workers API,Browser Support, HTML 5 & CSS 3, Working with Web
Workers, Initialization,Stopping, Error Handling,Shared Web Workers
Wing with Drag-and-Drop
Understanding the Concept, Drag-and-Drop API HTML5, Drag-and-Drop Events, The Event Flow,Functions
and Properties,FileHandling,A complete Application
Using Storage APIs
Understanding Storage Setting and Retrieving Values,Resolving Data Leaks,Storage API Attributes and
Functions, Web Storage Updates, Web Storage ExplainedComplete Implementation
Offline Web Applications with HTML5
Offline Web Applications,Cache and Web Application,Cache Manifest File, Complete Illustration.
Introduction to CSS3
Brief Description, Writing CSS, Defining Styles External Style Sheets,Inline Style Sheets, Declaration Block,
lectors, Browser-specific Prefixes, Adding Comments to a CSS
Basic Selectors
Understanding Selectors, The Document Object Model (DOM)
HTML 5 & CSS 3, Working of Selectors,Types of Selectors, Universal Selectors, Type Selectors, Class Selectors,
ID Selectors, Descendant Selectors, Attribute Selectors, Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-elements,Grouping
Selectors,Styling Links,Playing with Cursor
Working with Sizes, Colors and Files
Sizes and Measuring Units, Relative Units, Example of Relative Units, Angles, Computing Length Values with
calc(),Exploring Colors, Color Names, Hexadecimal Notations, RGB Format, RGBA Format,HSL Format, HSLA
Format, Background Images.
Styling Text
Working with Fonts, font-family, font-size,font-style, font-variant,font-weight,Dealing with Line
Spacing,Changing the Text Color, Text Formatting, text-alignHTML 5 & CSS 3, text-decoration, text-indent,
text-transform, vertical-align, white-space, text-overflow,Adding Text Shadows, Text Shadow, Adding Blur
Effect to Shadow, White Text with Black Shadow, Adding Multiple Shadows.
Web Fonts
Desktop Fonts vs. Web Fonts, Adding Web Fonts to Sites, Font Hosting Service, Storing Fonts to the Web
Server,Font Formats and the Supporting Browsers, Embedding Web Fonts
Background, Borders and Shadows
CSS Background, background-color, background-image, background-repeat, background-position,
background-attachment, Adding Multiple Images to the Background , Defining Borders, Border-style, Border
Width, Border Color, Border Shorthand,Additional Border Properties, Single Sided Border, Border with Alpha
Transparency, Rounded Corner Borders, Using Border Images, Image Border Properties,Adding Drop
Shadows, Adding Drop Shadow.
Gradients without Images
Understanding Gradients, Creating Linear Gradients, Browser support, Specifying Colors, Specifying
Direction, Controlling Transparency,Creating Radial Gradients, Differently Spaced Color Stops, Specifying
Shape, Specifying Size, Repeating Gradients, Using Multiple Gradients
Advanced Selectors
Why Advanced Selectors, First, Last and Only Child Instances,first-child Selector,last-child Selector,only-child
Selector,first-of-type Selector,last-of-type Selector, Difference between :first-child and :first-of-type, Styling
Selectors Based on Positions,Styling Selectors Based on Relationships, Styling Selectors Based on States,
Negative Selectors, Other Pseudo Classes
Lists and Navigation Menus
Working with Lists, List Styling Properties, Navigation Menus, Creating Vertical Navigation Bars, Creating
Horizontal Navigation Bars,
Exploring Generated Content
What is Generated Content, Inserting the Generated Content, Setting the Selectors Attribute as Generated
Transforms and Transitions
Transforms in CSS3, Changing the Transform Origin, 2D Transform Methods, CSS3 Transitions, The transition
Property, Controlling the Transition Speed Curve. Delaying the Transitions, Adding Transformation to the
Animating Elements with Keyframes
Animation vs. Transitions, Creating Animations Using Key frames, @key frames Rule,Animating a TextExample,
Delaying Animations, Running Animation for a Number of Times, Setting the Animation Play State,
The animation-fill-mode,Setting the Animation Direction, Setting the Speed Curve of Animation,
Styling Tables
Table Structure, Table Border, Table Headings, Cell Padding, Aligning Data, Table Cells Spacing Many
Columns, Table Cells Spacing Many Columns, Adding Caption to a Tableand Defining Styles for tables,
Grouping Table Rows, Table Layout Interpretation by Browsers
Elements Positioning
Understanding the Elements Positioning, Positioning Types, Positioning Elements, Specifying the Position
Type,Overlapping Elements, Fixing Elements in the Browser Window, Creating Tooltips, Styling Tooltips,
Drop Down Menus, Creating Child Selectors, Creating submenus, Masking an Absolutely Positioned Element
Working with Layouts
Introduction to CSS Box Model, Setting Element Dimensions, Setting Box Size, Height and Width, Paddings and
Margins, Specifying Paddings, Specifying Margins, Collapsing Margins, Removing Default Margins, Changing
Layout with display, Controlling Visibility,Floating Elements, The float Property, Specifying Margins with
Floating Elements, Clearing Float, Centering the Image, Adding Captions to Images, Using Multiple Classes
Multi-Column Layouts with CSS3
The Multi-Column Layout, Multi-Column Properties, Specifying Multiple Columns, Specifying the Column Gap
HTML 5 & CSS 3, Setting the Rule between ColumnsSpanning Columns, Specifying the Column Width, Filling
the columns, Dealing with Column Breaks
Dealing with Cross Browser Layouts
Creating Columnar Layouts using float, Single-Column Layout, Two-Column Layout using float, Three-Column
Layout,Introducing Flexbox, The flex Properties.
Media Queries
Understanding Media Queries, Specifying Media Queries, Media Features, Media Query Expressions, A
Complete Illustration, Media Queries with Alternative Conditions, Setting Viewport, The HTML meta Tag, The
viewport CSS,Handling Images with Media Queries
Print CSS3
Introduction, Media Types, The @media Rules, Defining Page Margins, Specifying Page Breaks, Breaking
The jQuery Basics and managing the Element Selection.Manipulating the DOM. Manipulating the
Elements.Working with Events. Using jQuery Effects. Working with Data and Ajax.Using Data
Templates.Working with Forms.UsingjQuery UI. Button, Progress Bar, and Slider Widgets,Autocomplete and
Accordion Widgets, Tabs Widget,Datepicker Widget,Dialog Widget, Drag & Drop Interactions, Other
Interactions, Using jQuery Mobile, Getting Started with jQuery Mobile, Pages and Navigation, Dialogs, Themes,
and Layouts, Buttons and Collapsible Blocks, Using jQuery Mobile Forms, jQuery Mobile Lists,
Advanced Features: Using the jQuery Utility Methods, The jQuery UI Effects & CSS Framework, Using Deferred
Introduction to JavaScript, Introduction to web development and JavaScript, How to create a JavaScript
application, How to test and debug a JavaScript ,application, XHTML, CSS,How to get input and displays
output,How to work with numbers, strings, dates, How to code control statements, How to create and use
array, How to create and use function, How to create and use objects, How to use regular expressions, handle
exceptions, and validate dataDOM Scripting, Basic DOM scripting, Advanced event handling, Advanced DOM
manipulation, How to script CSS, How to script tables and forms, Animation with DOM scripting,Other
JavaScript Skills, How to control the web browser, How to use JavaScript libraries
12th, B.Tech , BE, ME , M.Tech , BSc ,Msc, BA,
NettechIndia, Thane,IN