Course Duration in Hours
# Introduction of Automation in current IT world
# Introduction to Automation Tools
# Introduction to Automation Framework
# Introduction to JAVA Selenium IDE
What is Selenium IDE
Introduction to Selenium IDE
Install Selenium IDE and Firebug
Record and Play in Selenium IDE
Creating your First Selenium IDE script
How to use Locators in Selenium IDE
# Complete Core Java (Hands On)
# Introduction to Selenium
1. Understanding of JAVA OOPS
2. Eclipse
# Introduction to WebDriver and Selenium RC
Creating your First Script in WebDriver
Accessing Forms in WebDriver
Using WebDriver to navigate web applications
Basic web Element identification using id, name
Locating web elements using CSS and XPath
Use of Chrome Developer tools and Firebug
WebDriver commands to Interrogate WebElements and pages
Synchronization strategies
Implicit vs Explicit Waits
Explicit waits using Expected Conditions & Custom Expected Conditions
Running tests on multiple browsers: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome etc.
Dynamic Data allocation
Handling Runtime objects
Error handling
Exception control
# Introduction to TestNG/POM
# Project Lab 1 (Hands On)
Creating demo project with Selenium IDE and Selenium WebDriver on sample web application.
# Tools used in combination with Selenium
1. AutoIT/other (windows-based)
2. Selenium Grid
1) Experienced IT Professionals - Manual
testers those who want to switch to
2) Manual Leads/Managers
3) Freshers who wants to learn & make their
career in Selenium
Professional iT Trainings, Wagholi (Pune),Pune,IN